Sunday, May 30, 2010

Love (my take )

Stupid Sunday. Nothing to do. So here me tries to decipher Love and some complexities with it. Here's my take on it. More than anything love is that great feeling of getting cared by someone and simultaneously getting cared back. To help in your imagination , something like 2 cute Puppies playing fondly with each other!. ( helps? ) .Anyways, it's also that feeling that there's someone out there in this world for whom you are a priority. That surety of getting total security, care and warmth from a person no matter what happens.(Remember that statement -- Whatever happens, I'm there for you btw Hey, I just got that favorite star of yours plucked for you)

I guess love is a curious amalgamation of all of these. Not all holding true for everyone. I am an egoist, self praising pompous idiot. So, these were my insights. It's really a great feeling to love and be loved back by someone. But what to do if that dream shatters ? Do you keep carrying that extra baggage of broken shards with you? to be constantly cut and reminded of those most beautiful moments of life that you had ? Do you carry those scars inside you forever ? to be kept as a lesson learnt and just hide behind those, more like your war scars, only that these ould b terribly tough to heal? Or do you do the obvious( I mean what's that favorite 2 word suggestion of all your friends? Irrespective of you caste creed, religion or even race!) Move On! ( reminds me of Johnny Walker --Keep walking ).

Whatever be the take, sometimes the first option seems so acceptable. Forget the cuts, forget the constant cuts, that constant torture of being reminded of that beautiful dream. At least you have the broken shards as your prized possessions. Ones that constantly remind you that even if for a tiny fraction of time, that dream had a reality. There's that sense of comfort, a sense of assurance that what you had wasn't something part of your imagination. Your dream had a starting with title of actors and actresses and the movie rolling out. Only that it ended just before the Hero could grow up from a boy in shorts to that tall diminutive personality.

for everything, one word that seems to form a backbone of Love is trust. I never could understand this human judgmental scheme of defining forming and breaking trust. It's funny, how breaking someone's dream, where a life was interwoven doesn't count as a trust breaking act, whereas attempts by someone to peep ( illegally) through tightly drawn curtains into other person's life does. Though of course I agree that the 2nd act is Highly unethical and trust breaking. But why the hell is the first one not ? Yes we are funny people.

I guess we all have our own definitions of love, based on partly what we ourselves are. But again somethings are there common to us all. That dictate the switching on of those Butterflies in the Stomach and those sudden heart freezes and of course that daring feeling-- Love ke Liye Sala Kuchh Bhi Karega!