Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

From our childhood, we are taught the presence of good and evil around us. The victory of good over evil and the importance of taking a righteous path.
When we left our schools, we were given lectures that finally you are leaving the safe environs of school and going into the 'Big Bad World' for struggling. A world where everyone thinks of just himself, a world where you'd have to fight for each and every trophy of yours, a world where there'd be knives always drawn on your back masked by sweetest smiles. It's surprising that I've completed 4 years of my College life and still there's no sign of that kind of world! Where are those big bad evil doers? I guess now there'd be lectures about corporate world etc etc. I don't know what future holds for me in terms of people I encounter but one general observation that I've made is that, if you choose to ignore 1 or 2 glaring inadequacies in 90% of the people you'd find that all of them are actually quite good. If you are yourself good to the people then it's actually a party for you. I don't know if IITs again would be called a safe environment, but I've met loads of people out here, more people during 2 months of internship in France. Still, I was surprised that everyone, well almost, has been actually quite good towards me. Maybe I am plane lucky and those Really Evil devils are just around the corner waiting to strike me, I don't know, but till now people have been quite good.
The other day i was thinking this scenario---
We talk about the need to take a righteous path. Whenever we have 2 paths in front of us--- A & B . We choose a particular path and depending upon our ability to absorb the degree of suffering we call the path taken a right one or a wrong one. I think it's not right to call a path right or wrong just on the basis of suferring. Say if you chose path A and you suffered till time X and you get an example of a person who took path B and suffered till time Y. Y turned out to be less than X so you start ruing your choice.
What we forget is that it's these decisions that we make which make each one of us so unique, otherwise won't all of us have been same people following same algorithm?
Again coming back to the paths. You rue your decision but you don't realise what effect this suffering till X time will have on your other decisions, It's all like correlated, maybe later on this suferring thing actually turns out good for you,

I guess you may have been kinda confused by now but what I basically meant was, when you have a choice of decisions, you make a decision which you agree with at that time, later on whatever outcome may be, it doesn't make sense if you rue your decision as that's weird coz you can't go back and take path B and see how your life would have been if that would have happened coz we still don't have a time machine :)