Sunday, September 7, 2008

Lucky Me

For the last 1 year I have been thinking how lucky I am.In my bad phases(probably like now ) I would generally call myself the unluckiest guy in this planet,but frankly if I look back I have been really lucky.

I spent most of my childhood in North-East,the supposed jangli areas......but probably they have been the best days of my life,they have taught me to do anything by MY way.
From North-East I went to lucknow,probably another great phase of my life and then to Madurai.In each of these places invariably I have benefitted the most,I have got what I wanted(well almost always).

Be it winning Inter-House Badminton matches in Lucknow or becoming Head Boy in Madurai,yes these things look small now infact probably silly,but believe me at that time they meant the world to me.Wearing the Head Boy badge was probably the sole reason for me to go to school.

From Madurai another fad crept into my mind--IIT.Didnt clear it the first time(again probably the unluckiest guy in the world :D ),did the second time but with a paltry rank of 3200,was I upset?...of course I have to be,instead of celebrating that I finally got into IIT,I was ruing the fact that all I got was a rank of 3200(typical anshul :P).

Now over to Kgp,as a first year and in supposed waste branches like SI,it was supposed to be my duty to maaro fight for a Department Change,but surprisingly I don't.Yeah I had a crappy cgpa of 7.6 at the end of first sem but the more important thing was that surprisingly I liked my branch.Its a fact-----Chemistry had ruined me in first sem,mechanics mujhe chamakta nahi tha,mining meta was obviously out of bounds and core maths was again hallufying stuff.The only branch with a hoohaa name was probably Industrial Engineering but at that cg of mine I had no chance of getting it,so Yo SI.

The only problem with SI is,what I am more concerned about ,the Integrated MSc degree.Whereevr I go,whomever I meet I try to hide the fact that I am an Int MSc guy.General view would be if you like your branch then it shouldnt matter to you.But,it matters to me,why?....I dont know,I hate it when someone takes an impression about me thats totally wrong.I am not a sub-standard IITian,cleared JEE(okay...fine with only 3200 rank after 1 yr drop..but still I did),have a decent CGPA,but still there will always be eyebrows ki why did you take such a course instead of a BTech degree,whatever let's revert to main topic.
SI is probably the only branch in which I could survive at IIT.yeah I am always crying ki there's no scope of branch and velli branch hai,but again SI is the best.Today in SI I learn what I can apply in my job 3 years later,and jobs in the sector which others would die for.I know ki guys from other branches too go into core jobs,but at least I won't waste my 4 years out here learning mechanics or aerodynamics and then estimate future investment patterns or some other finance funda in some I-Bank.Today for a core job in popular sectors there is fight from all the 7 IITs.But for my branch at least the competition is minimal ;) .

Now comes the other part of my kgp life,since first year I was never in a society,ulti frusstapa,my wing had so many members of ScholsAve it was like irritating.Come 2nd year and suddenly I am invited by some seniors to be a part of TTG,my reason-probably to stay in touch with some tech stuff and secondly obviously to satisfy my ego to be part of a group.
Full 2nd year I work for TTG,get scoffed at by Hall seniors ki Kamra tu hall ke liye kaam nahi kar raha(one such comment came in 3rd year too) but in the end I probably believed in what some seniors told me:-Believe in what you want to do and do it....baaki sab bhaad mein jaayein.
By the end of 2nd year we at TTG organise a techno-expo something unique and surprisingly big for a group which was in its first I am a Head of that group and am really proud of it.The group has changed me in a way probably my being totally involved in Hall wouldn't have.People say ki you could have managed both Hall and TTG,sorry that's not possible for me,either I am incompetent to handle two things or I believe in giving more than 100% to work that I am doing so that no energy is left in me two give more than 100% to the other thing.

Now the most important part-Friends.All my life living in far-flung areas I had become more of an introvert,even till date I don't allow anyone to easily come close to me nor I am able to get close to people as friend.Still I am really lucky to have great friends,wherever I have gone,I havent been able to maintain my friendship with them but I have encountered greatest friends.These have been the people who have really made me understand the meaning of friendship.Today any problem,any irritation just one ping on gtalk and thats it life's good once again :) And I wouldnt have encountered them if I wouldnt have been lucky.

I posted this blog at 3 30 in the morning because at the moment this is straight from my heart.I apologise for any grammatical mistakes.One point though, all this story that I have written in this probably the most important paragraph has been the one about friends and with this post I probably wanted to thank them for all they have done and apologise to them for all I couldnt do for them.
